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Marshal & Volunteers Form

Thank you in advance for your help with Iamoutdoors events.  Without you, these events couldn’t happen and your help is always greatly appreciated by the participants and their friends & family they bring with them. Please complete the form below and give as much detail about how you would like to help,so we can offer you something you both want to do and will enjoy doing. Thanks

Please enter your mobile number or a number that can receive SMS text messages
Which event do you want to help out?
Please give us as much information as possible so we can offer you the Marshal task that suits your availability best, i.e. time restrictions, mobility, car or if you have viewed the Marshal List and identified a specific task you wish to do.
How you will get around?(Required)

Please tell us of any medical conditions/allergies, you feel as a Marshal we should be aware of
Emergency Contact Name(Required)
Please tell us your size for a Marshal Jacket, that you must wear and at some events we have spare event T-shirts, which we would like to offer you, but can't be guaranteed.
Are you first Aid qualified?
Are you happy to be added to the general Marshal group
Tick this box to added to the general Marshal group to be emailed about other Marshal opportunities Note You can unsubscribe at anytime from this list
Do you want to receive the Iamoutdoors Newsletter
Each month we send out a newsletter with results from our events. tell you when events are open for registrations as well as offer running advice